This effect can occur once every 13 seconds.ĥ items: When your pets attack an enemy you have also attacked in the last 10 seconds, you heal for 56-2433 Health and restore 28-1216 Stamina. Each effect can occur every 4 seconds, and multiple effects can be active at once.ĥ items: When you Bash an enemy, you gain Glorious Defense for 10 seconds, allowing you to dodge the next attack made against you.
Increases your Critical Damage and Healing by an additional 16% when you are Sneaking or Invisible.ĥ items: Increases the amount of damage you block by 8%.ĥ items: Gain Minor Mending at all times, increasing your healing done by 8%.ĥ items: While you have a Destruction Staff equipped, your Max Magicka is increased by 66-2840.ĥ items: Whenever you deal Flame, Shock, or Frost Damage, you gain 11-492 Spell Damage for that element for 4 seconds. 5 items: Increases your Critical Damage and Healing by 8%.